Category Archives: Parish Council

Road Closure information

LOCATION: – Batcombe Road Leigh
To enable us to carry out essential highway maintenance works, we plan to close Batcombe Road Leigh from 14th to 17th January 2025. The road will be closed daily between the hours of 09:30 to 15:30 and will be re-opened to traffic overnight.

We will be carrying out targeted and localised repairs to sections of those roads highlighted in red on the attached map. The recommended diversion route is marked in blue, and this will remain in place for the full duration of the above works. National regulations state that traffic must be diverted onto roads with the same classification as the one that is closed. For the health and safety of all parties, vehicular and pedestrian access is only available by calling the telephone number listed on our onsite signage.

This will allow residents to be escorted safely on and off site by a Traffic Management Operative.

If you wish to discuss these works in more detail, please contact me using the details below.
Yours faithfully
Colin Griffin
Site Agent
Dorset Highways
Tel: 01305 228100

Roadworks and Closures

Did you know that any advance road closures or maintenance are shown on Dorset Council’s interactive map? This is the best way to keep up to date with planned road closures.

From the Dorset Council Website: Dorset Council as Highway Authority does not notify individual households or businesses of forthcoming work when the activities are approved. Residents and businesses can follow current and planned roadworks and traffic restrictions on our roadworks map.

It is not a requirement for all works that residents, businesses and services be notified in advance; however the likely scale of disruption occurring from the works and any associated traffic management impact is likely to inform the need to provide notification.

It is the responsibility of the organisation carrying out the works to arrange notification. This might be directly by letter drop, placing of advance warning signs before works start or other means.

There is more information on their website 

Parish Council Elections in May

Parish Council Elections are in May – please see for more information.

An update from the parish council

May will soon be here, bringing with it election season. For those that are interested in standing as a parish councillor, here is some key information.

Nomination packs are now available from the electoral commission and nominations can be submitted from the 12th March by hand at 4 venues until the 5th April with a 4pm deadline. This is also the deadline for nominations to be withdrawn from the election process.
There are 7 seats on the parish council, so if 7 or less stand for council, then the election is uncontested and those that have stood will automatically be elected and there will be no formal
election process. If, however there are more than 7 nominations, then the election is contested and a parish election will be held on the 2nd May, with those that have been elected as parish councillors taking office from the 7th May.
I would invite anyone that is interested in standing as a parish councillor to get in touch with the clerk, as there is a lot more information available regarding dates, drop off venues, the process, responsibilities etc.

You can also look at the links already posted to the website, as well as the below videos which are useful.

  1. What do parish and town councils do in your community?
  2. What do parish and town councils do across Dorset?
  3. Why becoming a parish or town councillor in Dorset matters
  4. Parish and Town Councils are for Everyone