Did you know that any advance road closures or maintenance are shown on Dorset Council’s interactive map? This is the best way to keep up to date with planned road closures.
From the Dorset Council Website: Dorset Council as Highway Authority does not notify individual households or businesses of forthcoming work when the activities are approved. Residents and businesses can follow current and planned roadworks and traffic restrictions on our roadworks map.
It is not a requirement for all works that residents, businesses and services be notified in advance; however the likely scale of disruption occurring from the works and any associated traffic management impact is likely to inform the need to provide notification.
It is the responsibility of the organisation carrying out the works to arrange notification. This might be directly by letter drop, placing of advance warning signs before works start or other means.
There is more information on their website https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/travel/travel-dorset/roadworks-road-closures